Getting Started

This guide will help you install TermiPy and get familiar with its basic usage.


You can install TermiPy using pip, the Python package installer:

pip install termipy

Visit PyPi for more releases -

Running TermiPy

After installation, you can start TermiPy by running:


If you encounter any PATH issues, you can use:

PATH="/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin" termipy

Basic Usage

Once TermiPy is running, you’ll see the TermiPy prompt:

@termipy >>

You can now start entering commands. Here are some basic commands to get you started:

  1. echo <message>: Print a message to the terminal

    @termipy >> echo Hello, TermiPy!
  2. getwd or ls: Get current working directory

    @termipy >> getwd
  3. setwd <directory>: Change directory

    @termipy >> setwd /path/to/directory
  4. typeof <command>: Show command type

    @termipy >> typeof echo
  5. clear (aliases: cls, clr): Clear the screen

    @termipy >> clear
  6. tree [directory]: Show directory structure

    @termipy >> tree
  7. help: Display help information

    @termipy >> help
  8. exit: Exit TermiPy

    @termipy >> exit

For a full list of available commands, use the commands command:

@termipy >> commands

Next Steps