Resource Monitoring

TermiPy provides a powerful resource monitoring feature that allows you to track system resource usage in real-time. This guide will explain how to use the resource monitoring commands and interpret the output.

Using the Resource Monitoring Command

To start monitoring system resources, use one of the following commands:

@termipy >> resource


@termipy >> resources


@termipy >> stats

These commands are aliases and will all trigger the same resource monitoring functionality.

Understanding the Output

The resource monitoring feature provides information on five key areas:

  1. CPU Usage
  2. Memory Usage
  3. Disk Usage
  4. Network Usage
  5. Process Usage (Top 5 CPU-consuming processes)

CPU Usage

This section displays the current CPU usage as a percentage. The percentage is color-coded for quick interpretation:

  • Green: 0-69% (Low to moderate usage)
  • Yellow: 70-89% (High usage)
  • Red: 90-100% (Very high usage)

Example output:

 CPU Usage                                 │
 CPU Usage: 3.5%                           │

Memory Usage

This section shows the current memory usage, including:

  • Memory Usage Percentage (color-coded like CPU usage)
  • Total Memory
  • Available Memory

Example output:

 Memory Usage                              │
 Memory Usage: 30.0%                       │
 Total Memory: 7.74 GB                     │
 Available Memory: 5.42 GB                 │

Disk Usage

This section displays information about disk usage:

  • Disk Usage Percentage (color-coded)
  • Total Disk Space
  • Free Disk Space

Example output:

 Disk Usage                                │
 Disk Usage: 38.0%                         │
 Total Disk Space: 31.33 GB                │
 Free Disk Space: 18.43 GB                 │

Network Usage

This section shows the amount of data sent and received over the network:

  • Network Bytes Sent
  • Network Bytes Received

Example output:

 Network Usage                             │
 Network Bytes Sent: 346.95 MB             │
 Network Bytes Received: 22058.71 MB       │

Process Usage

This section lists the top 5 CPU-consuming processes, including:

  • Process ID (PID)
  • Process Name
  • CPU Usage Percentage (color-coded)

Example output:

 Process Usage (Top-5)                     
 PID: 28520, Name: node, CPU: 1.0%         │
 PID: 1, Name: docker-init, CPU: 0.0%      │
 PID: 7, Name: sleep, CPU: 0.0%            │
 PID: 35, Name: sshd, CPU: 0.0%            │
 PID: 412, Name: sh, CPU: 0.0%             │

Continuous Monitoring

The resource monitoring feature updates every second, providing a real-time view of your system’s resource usage. The display is refreshed automatically, clearing the screen and showing the latest information.

To stop the monitoring, press Ctrl+C. You’ll see a message confirming that the monitoring has stopped:

Stopped monitoring resource usage.

Use Cases

  1. Performance Troubleshooting: Identify resource-intensive processes that might be causing system slowdowns.
  2. Capacity Planning: Monitor resource usage over time to determine if you need to upgrade your hardware.
  3. Application Testing: Monitor resource usage while testing applications to ensure they’re not consuming excessive resources.
  4. System Health Checks: Regularly check your system’s resource usage to ensure it’s operating within expected parameters.

Tips for Using Resource Monitoring

  1. Run the monitoring command before and after starting a resource-intensive task to see its impact on your system.
  2. Use the color-coding to quickly identify areas of concern (yellow and red indicators).
  3. Pay attention to the top CPU-consuming processes to identify any unexpected or misbehaving applications.
  4. Monitor network usage to detect unusual spikes in data transfer, which could indicate network issues or unauthorized data transfers.